As you probably have noticed I have been AWOL lately. I am in the process of moving and getting renovations done on a house has kept me away from blogging. I'll be back with regular updates in a couple of weeks but in the meantime follow my
twitter feed. I am still regularly posting there.
If you follow me on twitter, you probably saw me mention that
I was quoted in a recent CNN article. You can find that article and the other instances where I have been quoted or appeared on a mainstream media outlet
What do you guys think of the new toolbar that appears at the bottom? How does it look? Does it interfere with the blog? Give me some feedback on it. Should I keep it or get rid of it?
Did anyone pick up a copy of "
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Presents Earth (The Book): A Visitor's Guide to the Human Race
?" I'll withhold judgment on it until I read more of it but topping their
first book
will be tough.
As always you can leave a comment here, reach me
by e-mail or
