Bush loses poetic tribute in Pakistan schoolbooksBy AFP |
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Bush loses poetic tribute in Pakistan schoolbooks
George W. Bush,
Pervez Musharraf
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Yeah, it is that time of the year again when I promise that I'll start updating this thing and then forget again. Or maybe this time will be different.
Let's see presently I'm occupied following the Pakistan/England series. Annoyed at the way my Angels lost to Chicago. No idea what to think of my Raptors.....I hope all the idiots who wanted VC gone are satisfied. Still getting used to the new NHL. There are far too many goals for my liking but this hockey is better then no hockey. What can I say about the 9ers? It looks like we're gonna miss out on Bush too.
Oh yeah, the Canadian Elections are coming on January 23rd. Remember to vote NDP.
Let's see presently I'm occupied following the Pakistan/England series. Annoyed at the way my Angels lost to Chicago. No idea what to think of my Raptors.....I hope all the idiots who wanted VC gone are satisfied. Still getting used to the new NHL. There are far too many goals for my liking but this hockey is better then no hockey. What can I say about the 9ers? It looks like we're gonna miss out on Bush too.
Oh yeah, the Canadian Elections are coming on January 23rd. Remember to vote NDP.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
QB-desperate Jets agree to deal with Testaverde
Obviously Joe Namath wasn't available. All kidding I side it's a decent signing for the Jets. Who else is really out there for them right now?
Joe Namath,
New York Jets,
Vinny Testaverde
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Palmeiro turns in teammate?
Manager: It might be best if Palmeiro does not return this season
By RONALD BLUM, AP Sports Writer
September 22, 2005
NEW YORK (AP) -- Rafael Palmeiro's season with the Baltimore Orioles might be over.
Orioles interim manager Sam Perlozzo said that if the first baseman had disclosed the name of a teammate who supplied him with the substance that led to Palmeiro's suspension for steroid use, it probably would be best that Palmeiro not return to the team this year.
The Sun in Baltimore, citing unidentified sources, reported Thursday that Palmeiro had identified a teammate by name when he testified before baseball's arbitration panel in an attempt to overturn the suspension, which followed a positive test for stanozolol.
``If in fact that was true, then it probably would not be a good idea'' for Palmeiro to return, Perlozzo said Thursday before the Orioles played the New York Yankees. ``It's all speculation as far as I know.''
Congressional investigators have been interviewing the Orioles following Palmeiro's 10-day suspension, which began Aug. 1. Palmeiro went 2-for-26 with one RBI after his return, and was sent home by Baltimore on Sept. 5 for rehabilitation on his right knee and left ankle.
``I know that he still would like to come back,'' Perlozzo said. ``He doesn't want to be a distraction and all that. I pretty much told him that as far as I was concerned, it was an organizational decision.''
Orioles executive vice president Jim Beattie said no decision would be made until Friday at the earliest.
``We're talking to Raffy right now about that,'' Beattie said in a telephone interview. ``Rather than comment on hearsay -- I don't think it's a proper thing for me to do -- we'll wait and see when we get into the office.''
Perlozzo didn't discuss with Palmeiro what he may or may not have disclosed.
``I did not ask him,'' he said. ``I didn't think that was my job.''
Perlozzo understood that if Palmeiro was questioned by investigators, he was bound by the rules if the inquiry.
``I would think if you're under oath, you tell the truth,'' Perlozzo said. ``Isn't that what you're supposed to do?''
Palmeiro's situation is complicated, so Perlozzo wanted the front office to make the decision.
``A lot of things factor in,'' he said. ``Is he going to play or is he not going to play? How much is he going to play? And is it worthwhile to take that chance?''
Arn Tellem, Palmeiro's agent, did not return a telephone call seeking comment. House Government Reform Committee spokesman Dave Marin declined comment.
Palmeiro, who turns 41 on Saturday, is batting .266 with 18 homers and 60 RBIs. He got his 3,000th hit on July 15, joining Hank Aaron, Willie Mays and Eddie Murray as the only players with 3,000 hits and 500 homers. Palmeiro's 569 homers rank him ninth on the career list.
Baseball has not said when the positive test occurred.
Updated on Thursday, Sep 22, 2005 6:55 pm EDT
No idea on who the possible teammate could be but obviously people are gonna jump all over Sosa.
Rafael Palmeiro,
Sammy Sosa,
The new NHL
These high scoring games are kind of depressing me. Now I'm all for a wide open fast game but these 8-6 games are gonna get boring fast. Hopefully it tunes as the season progresses.
Gotta go?
Condoleeza Rice,
George W. Bush,
United Nations
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
NHL talks ongoing; deal to be done today
TSN.ca Staff
7/13/2005 9:27:13 AM
The NHL's long awaited new CBA will be completed today, sources close to the talks told TSN Wednesday.
An extended session between the NHL and NHL Players' Association, which started at Noon et on Tuesday, is apparently continuing and should soon produce the agreement that would be the catalyst to ending the 301-day labour dispute, the longest in the history of North American professional sports.
It has become painfully evident that the two sides have had to do more than dot i's and cross t's and satisfy legal requirements in the last few days. Mind you, there has unquestionably been a lot of that to do. But there has also been back and forth negotiations on some final unresolved issues.
Sources say there's nothing left on the table that is likely significant enough to derail the entire process, which is now in its final hours, but more time is required to finish off these items to the satisfaction of the league and the union.
Today is the 10th consecutive day the two sides have been engaged in marathon talks and the appearance seems to be that they are now prepared to meet for as long as it takes to get an agreement.
The wait should be over before the end of the day.
Stay tuned.
All I can say is.....it's about damn time.
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
House Approves Flag-Burning Amendment
House Approves Flag-Burning Amendment
By LAURIE KELLMAN, Associated Press Writer 1 minute ago
WASHINGTON - The House on Wednesday approved a constitutional amendment that would give Congress the power to ban desecration of the American flag, a measure rejected twice by the Senate in the past decade but expected to get a closer vote this year.
By a 286-130 vote — eight more than needed — House members approved the amendment by the required two-thirds majority after a debate over whether such a ban would run afoul of the Constitution's free-speech protections.
If approved by a similar two-thirds majority in the Senate, the amendment would then move to the states for ratification. It would have to be approved by three-fourths, or 38, of the 50 state legislatures to become the 28th amendment to the Constitution.
Sixty-three senators, four short of two-thirds needed, voted for the amendment in 1995 and again in 2000. With Republicans increasing their majority in last fall's election, activists on both sides of the issue said the amendment has its pass chance ever of passing this year. But a rough count by The Associated Press shows 34 — one more than needed to defeat it — either as having voted against the amendment in the past or committed publicly to opposing it.
Supporters said the measure reflected patriotism that deepened after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, and they accused detractors of being out of touch with public sentiment.
"Ask the men and women who stood on top of the (World) Trade Center," said Rep. Randy (Duke) Cunningham, R-Calif. "Ask them and they will tell you: pass this amendment."
But Rep. Jerrold Nadler (news, bio, voting record), D-N.Y., said, "If the flag needs protection at all, it needs protection from members of Congress who value the symbol more than the freedoms that the flag represents."
The measure was designed to overturn a 1989 decision by the Supreme Court, which ruled 5-4 that flag burning was a protected free-speech right. That ruling threw out a 1968 federal statute and flag-protection laws in 48 states. The law was a response to anti-Vietnam war protesters setting fire to the American flag at their demonstrations.
The proposed one-line amendment to the Constitution reads, "The Congress shall have power to prohibit the physical desecration of the flag of the United States." For the language to be added to the Constitution, it must be approved not only by two-thirds of each chamber but also by 38 states within seven years.
Each time the proposed amendment has come to the House floor, it has reached the required two-thirds majority. But the measure has always died in the Senate, falling short of the 67 votes needed.
But last year's elections gave Republicans a four-seat pickup in the Senate, and now proponents and critics alike say the amendment stands within a vote or two of reaching the two-thirds requirement in that chamber.
By most counts, 65 current senators have voted for or said they intend to support the amendment, two shy of the crucial tally. More than a quarter of current senators were not members of that chamber during the last vote.
The Senate is expected to consider the measure after the July 4th holiday.
The amendment is H.J. Res 10.
On the Net:
House of Representatives: http://www.house.gov
Senate: http://www.senate.gov
Ofcourse it's that time of the decade again. The House just passed this legislation today. I really don't see it passing through the senate but this should be a heated debate over the next couple of weeks.
Flag Burning,
House of Representatives,
US Politics
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Report: NHL, NHLPA agree on cap formula
Report: NHL, NHLPA agree on cap formula
TSN.ca Staff with CP, Globe and Mail files
6/8/2005 2:06:13 PM
The Globe and Mail reports that the NHL and NHL Players' Association have agreed on a formula for a salary-cap system based on team-by-team revenue.
The salary-cap issue was seen as the biggest hurdle in talks for a new collective bargaining agreement.
According to the Globe's league and player sources, a salary floor and cap will based on a percentage of each NHL team's revenue. The paper adds that in the first year - based on revenue projections by both sides - the salary cap will range from $34 million to $36 million US, with the floor from $22 million to $24 million US.
The Globe also reports that the formula calls for a dollar-for-dollar luxury tax to kick in at the halfway mark between the floor and the cap. If the floor of the lowest team is $22 million US and the cap on the highest team is $36 million US, then the 'tax level' will be $29 million US.
The formula would allow wealthier teams to spend a bit more money, but would also bridge the large gaps in spending between higher payroll teams and lower payroll teams.
Small group labour talks between both sides ended late Tuesday night and resume today in New York with a larger group meeting.
Both sides have carried over the momentum from last week when 34 hours of talks were described as 'progressive' from both sides.
There are several issues to iron out, but sources in both camps believe there's a chance a deal could be done before July. Still, both sides also concede there are potential pitfalls that could prevent an agreement from being reached.
Today's session is the 21st meeting between the two sides since the season was cancelled Feb. 16.
NHL vice-president and chief legal officer Bill Daly and NHLPA senior director Ted Saskin declined to confirm or deny anything to The Globe and Mail.
Files from CP and The Globe and Mail were used for this report.
Bob Goodenow is a damn fool. I wanna see how quickly he gets the axe after these negotiations end. They could've agreed to the $42 million in January and we'd have had ourselves something to watch.
Salary Cap
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Woodward Confrims
Washington Post Confirms Felt as 'Deep Throat'
By William Branigin and David Von Drehle
Washington Post Staff Writers
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
The Washington Post today confirmed that W. Mark Felt, a former number-two official at the FBI, was "Deep Throat," the secretive source who provided information that helped unravel the Watergate scandal in the early 1970s and contributed to the resignation of president Richard M. Nixon.
Woodward said Felt helped The Post at a time of tense relations between the White House and much of the FBI hierarchy. He said the Watergate break-in came shortly after the death of legendary FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, Felt's mentor, and that Felt and other bureau officials wanted to see an FBI veteran promoted to succeed Hoover.
Felt himself had hopes that he would be the next FBI director, but Nixon instead appointed an administration insider, assistant attorney general L. Patrick Gray, to the post.
Bradlee, in an interview this afternoon, said that knowing that "Deep Throat" was a high-ranking FBI official helped him feel confident about the information that the paper was publishing about Watergate. He said that he knew the "positional identity" of "Deep Throat" as the Post was breaking its Watergate stories and that he learned his name within a couple of weeks after Nixon's resignation.
"The number-two guy at the FBI, that was a pretty good source," he said. "I knew the paper was on the right track," Bradlee said. The "quality of the source" and the soundness of his guidance made him sure of that, he said.
"We made only one mistake ..... and that had nothing to do with 'Deep Throat,'." Bradlee said, referring to an error in reporting grand jury testimony.
Bradlee said that over the years, "it was interesting to watch people flounder around with odd choices" about the identity of "Deep Throat," a nickname borrowed from the title of a pornographic film. Although he knew the source's identity, Bradlee said, "I've never met Felt. I wouldn't know him if I fell on him."
In a family statement released today, Felt's grandson, Nick Jones, said, "The family believes my grandfather, Mark Felt Sr., is a great American hero who went well above and beyond the call of duty at much risk to himself to save his country from a horrible injustice." The statement added, "We all sincerely hope the country will see him this way as well."
Jones said in the statement, "My grandfather is pleased he is being honored for his role as 'Deep Throat' with his friend Bob Woodward. As he recently told my mother, 'I guess people used to think "Deep Throat" was a criminal, but now they think he was a hero.'"
The Vanity Fair article, by California attorney John D. O'Connor, described Felt as conflicted over his role in the Watergate revelations and over whether he should publicly reveal that he was the anonymous source whose identity has been a closely guarded secret for more than three decades.
"On several occasions he confided to me, 'I'm the guy they used to call "Deep Throat,".'." O'Connor wrote. The author wrote that Felt "still has qualms about his actions, but he also knows that historic events compelled him to behave as he did: standing up to an executive branch intent on obstructing his agency's pursuit of the truth."
The article concluded, "Felt, having long harbored the ambivalent emotions of pride and self-reproach, has lived for more than 30 years in a prison of his own making, a prison built upon his strong moral principles and his unwavering loyalty to country and cause. But now, buoyed by his family's revelations and support, he need feel imprisoned no longer."
Bob Woodward,
Carl Bernstein,
Deep Throat,
Richard Nixon,
W. Mark Felt,
Washington Post
Angels: Top draft pick Weaver signs deadline deal
Angels: Top draft pick Weaver signs deadline deal
by Fanball Staff - Fanball.com
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
The Angels reached an agreement with their 2004 first round pick, Long Beach State pitcher Jered Weaver right before Monday's deadline. "It has taken a while, but finally, at the deadline, we got a deal done with Jered Weaver," general manager Bill Stoneman said. The younger brother of Dodgers pticher Jeff Weaver, Jered figures to move through the minor league system quickly, although the club won't rush his development.
The main reason why Weaver went unsigned until the last minute, was because he was represented by arguably the toughest agent in sports to deal with, in Scott Boras. In last year's draft, he was considered by many experts to be the pitcher who was closest to being major league ready, but he slid to the Angels at 12 because of the fear of whether or not he was signable. Don't be surprised if Weaver is at the upper levels of the minors by the end of the season. If he's in shape, it isn't a far fetched assumption.
As an Angels fan I have to say it's about time. This guy definitely has great stuff. We probably will see him in the majors before the end of the year.
Deep Throat Reveals himself?
Ex-FBI official says he's 'Deep Throat'
Magazine quotes him as saying he was 'doing his duty'
Updated: 11:41 a.m. ET May 31, 2005
W. Mark Felt, who retired from the FBI after rising to its second most senior position, has identified himself as the "Deep Throat" source quoted by The Washington Post to break the Watergate scandal that led to President Nixon's resignation, Vanity Fair magazine said Tuesday.
"I'm the guy they used to call Deep Throat," he told John D. O'Connor, the author of Vanity Fair's exclusive that appears in its July issue.
Felt, now 91 and living in Santa Rosa, Calif. reportedly gave O'Connor permission to disclose his identity.
"The Felt family cooperated fully, providing old photographs for the story and agreeing to sit for portraits," Vanity Fair stated in a press release.
Felt said he was "only doing his duty" and did not seek to bring down Nixon over the cover-up of a break-in at Democratic Party offices in the Watergate complex in Washington, D.C.
© 2005 MSNBC Interactive
According to an article by him in Vanity Fair this week W. Mark Felt who was a member of the FBI has revealed himself to be Deep Throat. I had read about him being a major possibility in the past.....but appearantly this is legit. Both Woodward and Bernstein have released Watergatesque statements saying they'll stick to their original statement of releasing the source once he's dead. This guy is 91....and seems legit.
Bob Woodward,
Carl Bernstein,
Deep Throat,
Richard Nixon,
W. Mark Felt,
Monday, May 23, 2005
Hats off to Reggie Miller
A fine career came to an end this week. Reggie Miller, one of my all time favorites retires sadly without a ring. He was definitely underrated through his career. Good job by Larry Brown and the Pistons taking that timeout and giving him a well deserved standing ovation. He probably could've still played a couple more years......I haven't watched a single playoff game this year but him going into the next round might've changed that.

Detroit Pistons,
Indiana Pacers,
Larry Brown,
Reggie Miller
Senators Said to Reach Filibuster Deal
By DAVID ESPO, AP Special Correspondent 1 minute ago
WASHINGTON - Centrists from both parties reached a compromise Monday night to avoid a showdown on
President Bush's stalled judicial nominees and the Senate's own filibuster rules, officials from both parties said.
These officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the agreement would clear the way for yes-or-no votes on some of Bush's nominees, but make no guarantee.
Under the agreement, Democrats would pledge not to filibuster any of Bush's future appeals court or Supreme Court nominees except in "extraordinary circumstances."
For their part, Republicans agreed not to support an attempt to strip Democrats of their right to block votes.
Under the agreement, Texas Supreme Court Justice Priscilla Owen, nominated to a seat on the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans, would advance to a final confirmation vote.
Senate Republican leader Bill Frist has made her a test vote in a bruising showdown over the fate of several appeals courts nominees that Democrats blocked in the past and had threatened to block again.
With the series of climatic vote set for Tuesday, compromise-minded senators of both parties met in the office of Sen. John McCain (news, bio, voting record), R-Ariz., for a last stab at compromise
They arranged to make a formal anouncement at a news conference.
It was not immediately clear how the agreement would affect plans for an all-night Senate session, or how quickly Republicans would push for confirmation of Owen.
The compromise drew the support of six Republicans and six Democrats at a minimum, although the names were not immediately available.
Under a complicated situation in effect on the Senate floor, that meant that Democratic opponents would lack the support needed to sustain a filibuster against Owen and other nominees. At the same time, it meant Republicans would not be able to strip Democrats of their ability to filibuster.
The agreement came as majority leader Frist, R-Tenn. and Democratic leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. steered the Senate toward a showdown on Bush's nominees and historic filibuster rules, under which a minority can prevent action unless the majority gains 60 votes.
The leaders of both parties cast the issue in historic terms.
Bah....C-Span was praying this wouldn't happen tonight becuase the floor debates tomorrow would've been crazy but it looks like some sort of a deal has been agreed to. I don't like this Owens character at all.....hell Bush's own Attorney General (who's no saint for those who don't live in the US) has spoken out heavily against her in the past. You know someone is crazy when they're to the right of Alberto Gonzales. I like how the Democrats put in the terms "extraordinary circumstances" into the agreement because it makes this agreement pretty much pointless. The filibuster lives for now.....and that my friends is good news.
George W. Bush,
John McCain,
US Politics,
US Senate
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Random Stuff
Thursday, May 12, 2005
2005 NBA Season has been boring.
This is crazy. I DID NOT watch one NBA game from start to finish this year.....hell I don't even know if I watched the majority of any single game this year. Don't know what it is...but I just didn't get into the NBA this year. I've only watched one playoff game (the VC game tying shot at the buzzer). I can't remember not having an interest in one of the 4 major leagues at any point. You'd think with no hockey I would've watched more NBA this year but it definitely hasn't been the case.
...oh yeah, I need my Hockey. Go Canada at the WHC.
...oh yeah, I need my Hockey. Go Canada at the WHC.
Vince Carter
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
LeBron fires agent, friends get job
LeBron fires agent, friends get job
Associated Press
5/10/2005 1:53:26 PM
CLEVELAND (AP) - Cavaliers forward LeBron James has dropped agent Aaron Goodwin, who negotiated more than $135 million US in endorsement deals for the 20-year-old in the past two years.
James sent a standard letter to the NBA players' association on Monday saying he had ended his relationship with Goodwin, union spokesman Dan Wasserman said.
James' surprising decision to drop his agent comes less than two years after Goodwin got him a $90 million landmark deal from Nike - the richest initial shoe contract offered to an athlete.
Goodwin also helped James secure multimillion deals with Upper Deck, Coca-Cola, Bubbilicous and Juice Batteries.
Goodwin did not immediately return a phone message seeking comment.
James is expected to turn over some of his management duties to close friend Maverick Carter, a former teammate at Akron's St. Vincent-St. Mary High School who currently is employed by Nike. Randy Mihms, who serves as James' personal assistant and road manager, and Rich Paul, another James confidant, also are expected to take on more active roles in his representation.
James and his three longtime friends call themselves the ''Four Horsemen.''
Goodwin's relationship with James dates to the all-star's senior year in high school. Goodwin attended many of James' high school games before adding the young star as one of his clients in 2003.
On the eve of the NBA lottery that year, Goodwin brokered the deal with Nike, which outbid Adidas and Reebok for James.
Goodwin also represents Portland guard Damon Stoudamire, Orlando rookie Dwight Howard, Boston guard Gary Payton and Knicks guard Jamal Crawford.
There's no way this story ends up with a happy ending. Putting friends incharge of that much money is just plain stupid.
LeBron James,
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Long time
So much for keeping updating this thing regularly. With school finally coming to a close there should be more posts here. Glad to see the Yanks struggling big time in the early going. Don't have that much of a problem with the Angels at this point either other then the fact that Finley is proving why I hated that signing. I'm not too sure about Cabrera either. I didn't want Tiger to win the Masters.....and definitely can't believe that he did. Let's just say that Kentucky Derby was odd. Now I didn't want The Boss' horse winning it.....but I definitely didn't see this result coming. Glad to see Pakistan whoop the Indians. Nice to see UNC return to glory but definitely a little surprised to see them all leave for the NBA. No idea what the 9ers were thinking in picking Smith. I wanted one of the WRs and then wait for Leinart next year. I leave you with these words for the night.....
The dumbness of dumb people will never stop to amaze me.....who the hell can possibly be dumb enough to steal atleast one $250 paintball gun from someplace......get away with it.....and then come back half hour later just in time for the cops to be called on you?
....and oh yeah, I need my hockey back.
The dumbness of dumb people will never stop to amaze me.....who the hell can possibly be dumb enough to steal atleast one $250 paintball gun from someplace......get away with it.....and then come back half hour later just in time for the cops to be called on you?
....and oh yeah, I need my hockey back.
Thursday, February 10, 2005
N. Korea Announces It Has Nuclear Weapons
North Korea,
Nuclear Weapons,
Monday, February 07, 2005
Super Bowl XL
Now I'm listening to Mike and the Mad Dog this afternoon and they were tossing around possible particiapants in next year's Super Bowl and that ofcourse led me to ponder my picks. Now ofcourse there are several teams on the rise like the Redskins, Bills, Bengals, Lions, Texans, etc and pretty much everyone is gonna have major personnel changes between now and opening weekend but....here's my early picks for next season.
Wildcard Round
Jets over Jaguars
Patriots over Chiefs
Eagles over Lions
Giants over Vikings
Divisional Round
Colts over Patriots
Jets over Steelers
Falcons over Giants
Seahawks over Vikings
Conference Championship
Colts over Jets
Falcons over Seahawks
Super Bowl XL
Colts over Falcons
Wildcard Round
Jets over Jaguars
Patriots over Chiefs
Eagles over Lions
Giants over Vikings
Divisional Round
Colts over Patriots
Jets over Steelers
Falcons over Giants
Seahawks over Vikings
Conference Championship
Colts over Jets
Falcons over Seahawks
Super Bowl XL
Colts over Falcons
Mike and the Maddog,
NFL Predcitions,
Sunday, February 06, 2005
Super Bowl
Wow, was that pathetic or what. I'm gonna tag McNabb with the overrated tag (and no it's not because he's black either). What the hell was he doing? How much time did the Eagles waste in the last 5 minutes? Is this man not smart enough to call 2 plays in one huddle? It's not exactly rocket science. So at the start I was sort of pissed that I was working and was pretty much gonna miss the entire first half of the Super Bowl. With the way the 2nd half turned out I wouldn't have mind missing that either. What a terrible game. What a terrible finish. I can't remember the last time I was this apathetic going into a championship game in ANY sport (and I mean ANY). McNabb was horrible....and especially those last 5 minutes. I don't want to see anyone mention him among the top QBs in the league. He looked lost out there in the 4th quarter. What the hell were they doing running down all that time with less then 5 minutes to go? T.O played a hell of a game. Westbrook was nice too......McNabb just killed the Eagles. Eagle fans/McNabb fans.......there's only one word to describe McNabb tonight....O-V-E-R-R-A-T-E-D. He choked when it mattered....and I mean choked. I don't want to see no Chunky Soup commercials with him or his damn mother until this man can prove he can lead his team with something on the line.
So....when to pitchers and catchers report?
So....when to pitchers and catchers report?
Saturday, February 05, 2005
No Hockey
Yeah, so barring an absolute last second miracle there will be absolutely no NHL this year. I have to say Goodenow is an idiot.......but the owners are no saints here either. Everyone knows the union will end accepting a cap at some point, it's just unfortunate that the idiots can't see that right now. They'll agree to a deal sometime next January......a deal they probably could've had months ago. This one isn't gonna end looking good. There's no way for the losing side to save face. They can't brush it up like the MLB negotiations because these negotiations boil down to just one issue.....is there a hard cap or not? There' s not gonna be a middle line and that pretty much kills any hopes for a smooth sailing in negotiations from now on. Ofcourse the owners have their share of the blame too. If these idiots could just control themselves a bit we wouldn't have these ridiculously high salaries. It's unfortunate that we could lose franchises because of this (let's hope the Devils are the first to go). The Players Union needs to wake up fast. If the last TV contract wasn't a wakeup call, I don't know if there will ever be one. The NHL is making NO guaranteed money from it's deal with NBC. Granted NBC is gonna be great for hockey....but it's not instant money for the NHL. Leave me your thoughts on this. You have any solutions that are realistic? I mean do we really wanna be stuck watching only basketball for the next 2-3 months?
Bob Goodenow,
Friday, February 04, 2005
Welcome, so it looks like I've once again entered the world of bloggers. I don't know why I stopped "blogging" the first time but this time should be different. So, what should you expect to see here? Most of the time you'll see my views here on sports and politics. Now for those of you know me (and chances are you're reading this because you know me) you already know which way my loyalties lie....and what most of my views would probably will be. Chances are that you're gonna disagree with me(especialy on the political stuff) but sign up and leave your comments here anyhow and hopefully it builds towards a solid discussion. You'll see the occasional movie review here.....although I gotta say I'm not that regular of a movie goer. You can expect toread my views on things that annoy me in the world and things that need to be changed. Hey, I gotta vent somwhere about Bush and Co. for the next 4 years right? With that said continue on you as you see the The World According to.....Me.
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