It is just beyond shameful at this point. It is the same old "look at me!" attitude but people continue to give her a pass just like they did for Tiger Woods all those years. I don't understand why people feel the need to apologize for her. She was wrong. There are no ifs, ands or buts about it. She broke a rule and got penalized for it. She then went on to threaten the chair umpire. It was a repeat of the disgrace from two years ago.
I saw a ton of people calling anyone who criticized her (including me) a racist. Really? Why is there a need to play the race card there? The cause of African-American athletes would go a lot further if people didn't become apologists over stupid stuff like this. There was no conspiracy against Serena. She was at fault. She is the one who acted like a little baby. Blindly defending someone because of their race is almost as bad as criticizing someone because of their race. The broadcast crew gave her a total pass with the exception of Mary Carillo briefly mentioning that Serena did break a rule.
Watch for yourself.
Her answers at the press conference afterwards were pretty weak too. Here's a transcript.
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