Day 1
When you think of this week a few years from now one of the main highlights will be the "surprise" appearance of Ted Kennedy. Even after all these years the man can hold the crowd in the palm of his hands. Its a shame he won't be able to have a full campaign schedule this fall because he is an amazing asset for the Democrats to have.
Michelle Obama went out and did her job. She needed to come out and show her emotions and be "normal" She spoke eloquently which is no surprise given her back ground and helped set the pace of the convention. She has taken too much heat in this campaign for the "loving America" quote and the fist bump joke was just plain ridiculous. I wasn't a big fan of the scene at the end with the younger daughter having the mic....but that is one of the dynamics at play here. There hasn't been kids running around the White House since JFK was president.
Day 2
Haven't had the chance to go back and watch it myself as of yet(will do so tonight)but everyone keeps telling me Dennis Kucinich did well with his "wake up America" speech. The keynote address from Mark Warner didn't do too much for me. I was expecting something more from the "keynote address" but maybe I was grading it too hard....after all nothing will ever top the keynote address from 2004.
The Governor of Montana Brian Schweitzer gave a very good speech. I had never heard of the man but he is a very good speaker.
When all was said and done....this was Hillary's big night. Going into the week I fully expected Bill and Hillary to do their thing and deliver 2 powerful speeches. Hillary definitely delivered. Just as she had when she first endorsed Obama she went out and did just about everything you would want her to do. Many people continue to complain about her demands at this convention....but I have no problems with them. She did run a historic campaign....and would've made a good candidate for President. Ever since the primaries ended she has done everything expected of her in my eyes so a little recognition at the convention is well deserved.
Day 3
Missed all of it but Biden's speech. A solid choice for Vice President by Obama. Biden will go out and do the dirty work. He will go out and attack McCain so Obama doesn't have to.
Just caught Bill Clinton's speech tonight. I didn't expect anything less. I had arguments with my brother and sister all week on this. Bill and Hillary care way too much about their legacies to have screwed this up.
Day 4
I'm surprised that Al Gore was saved until the 4th day....but I guess they needed a 2nd major speaker tonight. Nice little reminder from him that the next president will fill multiple Supreme Court seats. Loved the little recycling joke.
The images from tonight are just surreal.

Barack Obama was solid. Not his greatest speech by any stretch of the imagination but it did its job. The outdoor setting provided for some brilliant visuals and was fitting for this event as this was no ordinary acceptance speech. I'll put up the link to the video as soon as one is available. I loved the little jabs he took at McCain. I truly believe that he will run circles around McCain at the debates. For those of who've grown to disdain a lot of our politicians Obama does bring a new energy. Chances are that we'll be let down yet again....but for the moment can we at least hope? In the Words of the man himself...."Yes we can."
Edit: Video
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