All I can say is that it is about time. I've written about this in the past as well because they tape delay their tennis coverage as well. They took it to an extreme this past weekend during the French Open final when they tape delayed the trophy presentations to fit in extra commercials after having showed the matches live! I was talking to my brother in Canada as the trophy presentation started here and he told me it was about to end there.
Tape delayed coverage in the 21st century made no sense to me whatsoever. I don't think NBC's prime time ratings will be hurt all that much by airing events live during the day because the people who were at work, at school or sleeping will still tune in to watch the prime time show. NBC has way too many platforms for them not to be to show everything live. Between NBC,MSNBC,CNBC,Bravo, USA,Syfy and Versus they have more enough options. Heck, I'm sure I missed a couple more.
I hate tape delayed coverage because next to locking yourself into some room without any piece of technology it is next to impossible for something to not be spoiled for you. News shows up on twitter before it does anywhere else. I have a ton of friends who are sports fans so a text message or a facebook post can easily spoil a score. Turning on ESPN or even something like MSNBC or CNN is out of the question because they would report on the events. Going to pretty much any news site would leave you with the same problem as well.
Is there anyone out there who developed a good strategy to not have result spoiled?
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