Friday, January 29, 2010

"Let Obama be Obama"

Too bad all parties involved would never agree to turn this into a weekly thing because this "Q&A" session between Barack Obama and the House GOP was fascinating TV. They do it successfully across the pond with "Prime Ministers Question" and if you have ever seen it on C-Span you would agree that it is fascinating TV.

When I saw it on earlier today I thought it would be a farce. That is what we've come to expect from American political discussion. What transpired though was far from that. But, all I saw were positive talk on twitter about the event so I just had to watch it when I got home. Make sure you do the same. Obama held nothing back in going after the GOP congressmen. He took the fight straight to them on Health Care Reform and the way the GOP presented it. The decision to put this on TV was supposedly made last night....and boy did the GOP end up regretting that. He tore into House GOP for opposing the Stimulus Bill but then showing up at ribbon cutting ceremonies for projects that were a result of it. Obama actually stayed their longer then scheduled because he sensed a major political victory unfolding on National TV. How big of a success was this for Obama? Fox "News" actually left the broadcast of the event early to go to other stuff. Pathetic indeed. 

What struck me immediately is why I respect this man. I'll steal a line from the "West Wing." The best thing for Democrats and the country is to let "Obama be Obama." There is no one better in the business right now and he's proven it twice this week. I've seen the man speak in person 3 times....and yes, he's held the audience in the palm of his hands each time. 

As always you can leave a comment here, reach me by e-mail or contact me via Twitter.

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