The official population of the United States of America is 308,745,538 which is a 9.7% increase since the 2000 census (281,421,906). The growth level is at its lowest point since 1940 census when the population only grew 7.3%. Michigan (-0.6%) is the only state that lost people since the last census. Not much of a surprise there with the massive loss of jobs there. Washington D.C saw a population increase for the first time since the 1950 census. Nevada saw the biggest gain percentage wise with a growth of 35.1% while Arizona, Idaho, Texas and Utah also saw gains of over 20%. Montana's 994,416 people are represented by one member in the House of Representatives while Rhode Island's two representatives on average represent 527,624 people each. The average congressional district now has 710,767 people compared with just 210,328 in 1910. New Jersey with a population of 8,791,894 has a density of 1195.5 people per square mile. That is topped only by the District of Columbia which has 9,856 people per square mile. On the other end of the spectrum Wyoming has just 5.8 people per square mile.
What do these numbers mean politically in the short run? The electoral college did see some major shuffling. Texas gains four seats in the House of Representatives and more importantly four electoral votes for the 2012 Election. Battleground states of Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania also see changes.
Here are the states that gain seats in the House.
- Arizona +1
- Florida +2
- Georgia +1
- Nevada +1
- South Carolina +1
- Texas +4
- Utah +1
- Washington +1
For the first time in its history California does not gain a House seat.
Here are the states that lose seats in the House.
- Illinois -1
- Iowa -1
- Louisiana -1
- Massachusetts -1
- Michigan -1
- Missouri -1
- New Jersey -1
- New York -2
- Ohio -2
- Pennsylvania -1
You can see the historical data for the electoral college here.
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