If you missed the Daily Show last night it was definitely one of the better ones in recent memory. Make sure you check it out.
It was great to see Jon Stewart thank the people who actually stood in line for the tapings.
I've stood out there in the past and I can't imagine the conditions were much fun as New York got hit with some serious snow.
They started the show by mocking
crazy conservatives who deny Global Warming with a segment called
"Unusually Large Snowstorm". That sidewalk you see to the left of Asif Mandvi there is where the audience stands for hours while waiting to get into a Daily Show taping.
The show continued as
Jon Stewart talked about the Missionaries in Haiti.
The guest on yesterday's show was the great Willie Mays. You really can't to much better than that.
Willie Mays was on to promote his book called
"Willie Mays: The Life, The Legend"
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by e-mail or

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